about Christ the King


e hope that you will feel welcome if you come and join us, and that this website will give you a sense of who we are as well as some insight into the Christian faith as it has been passed on to us. All are welcome, whatever your so called ‘baggage’ may be, or whatever your self-estimation may be. We all need the Lord’s mercy and grace. We all need his assistance in order to live in accordance with his will and holiness.

Christ the King is an Anglican church rooted in the historic Christian faith, nourished and guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, and purposefully sharing God’s love through Jesus Christ.

Christ the King (CtK) is a Parish that was formed in 2013. We are within the Anglican Diocese of Canada of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). Our congregation has weekly Sunday Morning services at 10AM. We gather around the Word and Table to worship God every week as a local expression of the body of Christ.

Biblically-faithful, Gospel-sharing, Globally-uniting

Liturgical Worship

Biblically grounded

Confident and equipped disciples

Bold Witness

Christ the King Ministries

We are a church that prays. We have monthly congregational prayer, we have prayer ministry during our services for those who need. CtK has been a church that has supported many missions at home and abroad. We often run courses, such as Alpha, Christianity Explored, and Bible in a Day. As well, we have run studies on the works of Augustine, Athanasius, and on topics like The Creeds and Councils of the Church. We have a dozen small group that meet to study the Bible and pray regularly. Our vision is to be an expression of the Church of Christ, guarding and conveying the historic Christian faith; growing in heart, mind, and action; prayerfully, reverently, and joyfully following the Holy Spirit; and fulfilling the Great Commandment and Commission within our city, nation, and the world. Also, to provide a safe and welcoming haven for seekers and disciples who are new, adrift, neglected, or undernourished.